Get SoundHound for iPhone | Android BBC iPlayer Radioīritish radio has long been the envy of stateside electronic music lovers, featuring shows like the legendary Essential Mix and, more recently, Diplo and Friends. Plus, it gives you the ability to purchase your song once it’s been matched and it logs all of your match history. The app trolls iTunes data to get the best match, and it will even recognize songs you hum to help identify that blissful earworm. Simply open the app and allow it to “listen” to the track and cross-reference it with its database.

If you’re at the club and are trying to figure out the tune the DJ just dropped, SoundHound may have a hint for you. We’ve rounded up the 10 best apps to make the most out of your mobile music experience. Whether you are trying to figure out the name of the artist behind that future bass tune you heard over the speakers at dinner or trying to settle a vigorous debate over what obscure sample Dillon Francisused in his last track, mobile apps have provided us a way to engage with our music in ways our parents never would have imagined. However, our little electronic leashes have made it possible for us to do so much more than just stream our favorite tunes. More people are listening to music on their phones than on any other device more than ever. These seemingly magical little devices have completely changed the way we interact and engage with our music. For many, our phones are an indispensible part of our daily lives.